Sunday, August 2, 2020

What voice in your head usually wins?

I have a friend on the East Coast who does the video for his church's services. He posts them on Facebook when they’re live. I've surfed in. It’s pretty boring. 

I watched the worship video from my home church, and had multiple thoughts. Here's the first.

In my regular life, I work in the world of communications – business storytelling, advertising, public relations, and about six minutes in to this video appears a great storyteller, Nancy Gaston. She is fantastic, but her story is stuck six minutes into a boring video (from the eyes of a kid).

If the church is trying to reach kids, they're missing the mark.

Kids aren't going to sit through six minutes of boring to get to the good stuff. And no kid is going to surf into a video titled “Worship - August 2, 2020.” (The titles of church videos should be either the scripture, a title with keywords from the sermon, or anything but the date. Facebook already includes the date, and no one is searching Facebook for "August 2, 2020.")

Here’s what I'd recommend.

Pull out just the children’s message, post it as standalone video under a playlist on Youtube with a title like “news brief for kids” or “how to have more fun being a kid,” and the title of the video should NOT be the date, but something that corresponds with the message in the video, something that sounds interesting to kids, i.e., not a finger wagging from adults. For instance, use the title “Have you ever wrestled?” This might pull in a few curious adults as well. 

In the video info section of YouTube write: “Wrestling with tough choices? What voice in your head usually wins?” Use some key words from Nancy’s talk so someone searching might find this video.

Next, share the link of the video with the church’s preschool, Noah’s Ark Preschool to post on their Facebook page, email to their families.

And, email the link of the video to the parents of kids in the church, with a message, “Here is a five minute activity you can do with your kids: 3-4 minute video plus a question: “What do you think about what Nancy said?” (It doesn't have to be complicated).

What voice usually wins in your head?


Saturday, February 29, 2020

No, you don't know how to wash your hands, so watch this

Can you sing happy birthday twice? Then you've taken the first step in proper hand washing.

Here's the rest of what you need to know:

Governor Jay Inslee of Washington State, said in a statement, “We will continue to work toward a day where no one dies from this (corona) virus.”

In the meantime, wash your hands — the correct way, and for gosh sakes stop touching your face.