Friday, September 23, 2011

Fav quotes and a kitty on the math quiz

This week's discovery was a clever writer, Randal Houle, who gave us a couple of howls with the tweets about his son, including the one where Houle discloses that his kid drew Godzilla destroying some buildings on a test AND GOT FULL CREDIT!

Get full credit for your best quotes -- send 'em on in to 360 Convos. We're 'quoting' every Friday.

Here's our favorite quotes from the past seven days . . .

Sep 16
Twitter “It only takes having 12 crazy kids in my house to make me so thankful for my small family #happybirthdaykids,” Cheryl Bledsoe, celebrating the small things.

Sep 17
Twitter “My son wasn't sure about his answer on a math quiz, so he just drew a picture of a cat.” Randal Houle.
Sep 18
Twitter “Know artists by the pen marks on their hands and paint covered clothing. We're not dirty, just afraid to throw inspiration away.” @Schoolbound, from where apples get wet.
Sep 19
Blog“The beauty of community doesn't require any special skill,” Laura Baverman (@laurabaverman)
Sep 20
Twitter“Why is coffee addictive? Because the coffee bean has a distinctive aroma that makes you forget how painful it is to be awake.” @Schoolbound.
Wed, Sep 21 Twitter “I got up this morning, turned off my alarm clock, circled the bed once and crawled back under the warm covers. #thankGodformoms. Schoolbound, from where apples get wet.
Thur, Sep 22 Twitter “Oh, to write on the novel or the new script? I like to dabble in too many things.” PL Anne Anderson, covering the gamut of a writers dilemma.